Sunday, October 2, 2011

the happy, the crappy, the awkward

I have read some other somewhere that there was one family who eat together every dinner time no matter what and shared 3 things about their day

1. the highlight

2. the lowlight

3. how they shared the Gospel that day

Then i think that maybe i wont be able to share all this every day and i got this version instead which is more of what i can relate to after the day is over

1. the happy

2. the crappy

3. the awkward

In our family when i was in early college days we usually have the "open forum" where everyone can say anything that is in their hearts.

I kinda miss those times.

So for now my three things

1. The Highlight: Waking up this morning and thinking that i am gonna be happy - really really happy today. The sun was out but it wasn't too hot. as I've shared before that i'd much prefer it if i wake up and it's raining but since it is not i am thankful to God for dry humid weather where every kids can be present at the center today. it also means that my caseworkers will be able to do their home/school visitation without any fear of getting wet. we had our staff devotional which was very revealing to me as i am not aware that some of my friends have deep struggles and i am either too insensitive to notice or i just lack the quality time that would have been needed to "care". I am happy to be able to pray for them.

2. The Lowlight: as i've mentioned above i am really happy - but this source of happiness also seem to cause me a great deal of anxiety and embarrassment. i am the kind of person that gives a lot of thought about what other people says about me. this is not a very healthy habit but also not something that i would completely set aside... as i am working with people and minister to them i have to be careful that my actions and my speech will not cause them to question God's position in my life and the value i place on my privacy.

3. The Awkward. i've no awkward moment today... just a few unintentional slips and clumsiness. like forgot that the coffee cup i am holding was just boiling hot a minute ago when i poured it into my mug but as i was reading an MMS from him then i gulp it down and burned my tongue in the process. then when my office mates asked me why i did it when i "knew" it was hot - i flippantly said i forgot. there now a new label for me... forgetful and out-of-mind. 

...til next time when my mood swing to writing lousies again :D

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