Friday, August 28, 2009

Far longer than Forever

by:  Max Lucado

God, i have a question: Why do you love your children? I dont want to sound irrelevant, but only heaven knows how much pain we’ve brought you. Why do you tolerate us? you give us every breath we breathe, but do we thank you? You give us bodies beyond duplication, but do we praise you?


We complain about the weather. We bicker about our toys. We argue over who gets which continent and who has the best gender. Not a second passes when someone , somewhere, doesnt use your name to curse a hammered thumb or a bad call by the refferee. (As if it were your fault.)

You fill the world with food, but we blame you for hunger. You keep the earth from tilting and the arctics from thawing, but we accuse you of unconcern. You give us blue skies, and we demand rain. You give us rain, and we demand sun. (As if we knew what was best anyway.)

We give more applause to brawny ball-carrier than we do the God who made us. We sing more songs to the moon than the Christ who saves us. We are gnat on the tail of one elephant in a galaxy of Africa’s, and yet we demand that you find us a parking place when we ask. And if you don’t give us what we want, we say that you don’t exists. (As if our opinion matter).

We pollute the world you loan us. We mistreat the bodies you gave us. we ignore the Word you sent us. And we killed the Son you became. We are spoiled babies who take and kick and pout and blaspheme.

You have every reason to abandon us.

I sure would! I would wash my hands of the whole mess and start over on Mars. But do you?

I see the answer in the rising of the sun. I hear the answer in the crashing of the waves. I feel the answer in the skin of a child.

Father your love never ceases.Never. Though we spurn you, ignore you, disobey you, you will not change. Our evil cannot diminish your love. Our goodness cannot increase it. Our faith does not earn it anymore than our stupidity jeopardizes it. You don’t love us less when we fail. You don’t love us more if we succeed. Your love never ceases.

How can we explain it?

….to be continued…

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